Functions of LATAK are established in the law „On Conformity Assessment”, section 14 and are as follows:
- to evaluate and accredit conformity assessment bodies, and to supervise work of such bodies, in conformity with the prescribed requirements of Latvian national standards, regulatory enactments, and European or international standards, as well as multilateral recognition agreements with international accreditation organizations;
- to technically ensure the activities of the Latvian National Accreditation Council;
- to organize skill examinations and to coordinate comparative testing and co-ordinate between laboratories in accordance with Latvian, European Union and international requirements on inter-laboratory comparison;
- to cooperate with the national accreditation authorities of other states;
- to represent Latvia in international accreditation organisations;
- to develop and maintain an accredited body information list in its webpage;
- to publish information in its webpage regarding accredited conformity assessment bodies that operate in the regulated area;
- to inform the Ministry of Economics regarding accredited bodies in the regulated sphere.
Criteria for assessment of conformity assessment bodies are published in Latvian national and/or harmonized European standards, international standards, and other regulatory enactments. Upon assessment, accreditation and surveillance LATAK follows regulatory enactments of the European Union and requirements and recommendations of European and international accreditation organizations (EA, ILAC, IAF).
LATAK provides assessment and accreditation services in a nondiscriminatory manner, observing confidentiality of information. All personnel involved in assessment and accreditation activities works unaffectedly and is free from any commercial, financial or other influence that may have impact on the accreditation results.