Legal requirements relating to good laboratory practice (GLP) laboratories and national GLP compliance monitoring authorities are included in the Cabinet Regulations No. 398, adopted on 3 September 2002 "Requirements for Work Quality of Laboratories and Inspection of Laboratories" (hereinafter referred to as - the Regulations), which is effective from 1 January 2004, arising from the Directive 2004/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council  of 11 February 2004 on the inspection and verification of good laboratory practice (GLP) and the Directive 2004/10/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 11 February 2004 on the harmonisation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the principles of good laboratory practice and the verification of their applications for tests on chemical substances; and requirements of OECD GLP principles.  The Regulations applies to studies, inspections (except clinical testing) and tests (henceforth referred to as 'studies') conducted in order to obtain information regarding the properties of biocides, chemical substances and chemical products, as well as the properties of preparations of biological origin or living organisms destined for use in medicinal products, plant protection products, cosmetic products, veterinary medicinal products, food additives and animal feed additives (henceforth referred to as 'test item or organism') and the effect of such products on health and environment. In accordance with Regulations, Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (hereinafter referred to as - LATAK) has to inspect periodically laboratories in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations. According to the above mentioned Cabinet Regulations and the EC Directive 2004/10/EC, the LATAK is operating as the national authority for GLP compliance monitoring in Latvia.

Una Zilbere, Lead Assessor of Laboratory Accreditation Department, Qualities Manager, is the responsible employee of LATAK in relation to GLP issues

Documents for good laboratory practice (GLP) laboratories 

OECD Series on Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Compliance Monitoring